
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

H. Tellioglu, D. Pinatti de Carva, I. Breskovic, S. Schinkinger:
"Use cases";
2014; 187 S.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
This document contains all relevant information concerning the identification and definition of use cases. Based on the results of the pre-study, UTT, USI, and TUW developed the use cases and check their pertinence with the end-users during focus groups and individual interviews. This document follows, therefore, the information gathered during the pre-study with our participants. Following to the end-user participatory design sessions the industry partners (ILOGS, WEBINAGE, SOPHIA, AVINOTEC) performed a technical requirements analysis and a feasibility assessment by bringing in designers´ knowledge of technological possibilities for the final use cases. These use cases will be used for further mock-ups creation and prototyping.

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